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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. I say thank you, and good day. I find it kind sad that our society has strayed from things that are most important. I find it kind sad that I have to look up this information, when I think there should of bee a survival class when I was in high school. We rely so heavily on just going to a store when we need something that when SHTF, what will we do? People think being prepared is being paranoid. I just tell em hey, if & when SHTF, we'll see who is laughing then. Thanks again.

  2. Okay… so using a compass calls for a lot of stopping… not my thing, but what if you're in a unfamiliar place why or how the hell would you have a map for that place? I think I'm better off using my skills that i picked up from the show LOST : ) Best show ever ! lol

  3. Unnecessary survival skills= Raft making, compass using, solar stills (unless you live in the desert), Bow making, sling shot making, knot tying…

    Note: Very few of these skills will ever be useful in your average survival situation. I guarantee you that if you ever get lost in the woods you can survive without these skills.

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