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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. And also in Tennessee where I lived on roan mountain there are mountain lions!!! And the best thing to do with them is keep eye contact yell very loudly and arm yourself with a large stick and try to make yourself look bigger… And as for the mountain lion that almost attacked me and the black bear that almost attacked me it was my fault for being too quiet with the mountain lion and being too close to the bear thinking it was my brother's Rottweiler because his dog was about the same size and shape as The yearling bear…..

  2. As for the bears I lived in the mountains up north a lot of my life and the rule of thumb was if it's brown lay down if it's black fight back and if it's white say good night and I have heard that all the way up into Canada New England in Tennessee and in Florida.. and with the shark the best thing to do is not go in the ocean LOL

  3. Actually with snakebites you are to apply a pressure bandage to the wound and also mark the wound with a pen or marker so it is easily located when the bandage is taken off at hospital.

  4. This is nice and helpful … if you remember things.
    "Oh!! A bear… what to do!! Ok let's see, is it black bear? grizzly bear? assume it's grizzly… what to do next? Let me search that on YT… hm which channel was that? Was it The Infogr…" dead

  5. One thing about survival it is based off of instinct. Sometimes last minute decisions can save your life but may cause damage. Damage is always better than death. Just think wisely about your survival strategies ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ

  6. Just FYI, the vast majority of black bears false charge. It is well known, if a black bear false charges- it will never charge. Even with cubs.
    Do not run with your back to any predator. That is the absolute guaranteed way to be killed by predators who would not have attacked until you acted as prey. You face the predator with whatever you can arm yourself with, make yourself as big as possible, and back away.
    Fight black bears that full charge to the death because that's what they are doing.

  7. I just watched a video of a diver diverting a shark that was approaching him and what he did was turn around and face the shark like you would a bear (from Alaska so plenty of encounters) so that way your flapping away doesnโ€™t trigger its attack mode and it views you as a fellow predator The shark slowed down a lot but it didnโ€™t stop so he reached his Arm out and pushed the shark away by the nose well right above the nose between the eyes so it doesnโ€™t see the arm and he redirected its path and it left him alone and it looked surprisingly easy for him to push it away for how large it was which is why Iโ€™m skeptical of the infographics advice since I literally watched a guy who practically lives in the ocean do it and work lol

  8. I want to reiterate this, because for people this applies to this is important. DO NOT punch a shark in the nose, it will do basocally nothing except increase the chance you lose a limb. Always aim to punch the eye or gouge and punch the gills. Both are far more sensitive and in the case of gills, the shark needs those to breathe.

  9. I actually do live in a century-old house where the doorways are the strongest lol. But yeah, I knew that the doorway advice doesn't hold up for newer houses. Something else the video doesn't mention is that the door can swing violently during a big earthquake, and if you stand in the doorway you could be hit by it.

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