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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. I love this video! I've been a back country camping and a long term prepper for years. These are all amazing tips! I actually really liked your idea of going into the woods and back tracking a bit if someone is following you. Great advice!!!

  2. Okkkky but most people don't live near a forest. (I do, in fact also have my own little one. Lets just say that anyone coming here better get ready to get past all my, deadly thorns, raspberry plants. I have been a prepper since before the term came into use. Paranoid as heck! I don't own an 18-wheeler. LOL

  3. I’m not a survival guy doomsday prepper etc by any means but I’m always conscious of things going wrong. You gave the perfect scenario with traveling by plane. I always have a knife and first aid kit in my checked bag I fish a lot so sometimes I check a fishing pole and tackle box plus all the other things in my checked bag plus the miscellaneous things in my carry on. Same for my home I live out in the country with a lot space between me and the main road but I still take precautions for the unknown

  4. I hope people understand that if you are scared of civil unrest, this could potentially work. But in case of real war with other countries, especially, if they use nuclear weapons, this wont help at all. Unless, ofc, you have nuclear underground shelters, ready to sustain life for many years. It's not the bombs that will kill you, is the environmental destruction that will follow. In a year, nothing will be standing.
    I am just trying to explain that things in reality are pretty different from a Hollywood film. Unless your government has a real life version of the SiloπŸ˜…

  5. I'd hope everyone here knows by now bugging out is the last thing to consider. While out on the road, at work, whatever… I can understand getting home. Doing the opposite can be illogical and deadly even. Automobiles will still work but odds are traffic lights might still work on their reserve power. Many high volume intersections will have blinking lights for a few hours but after that someone's going to be placing STOP signs facing all directions to treat it as a 4-way stop as usual following an outage. That's based on an honor system in the best of times so depending on where we are, walking home may be safer even if it takes 4 hours.

    Speaking of honor system in the best of times, go ahead and carry a pew-pew in that sack. A light one, even if it's a Ruger LCP or baby Browning, not that ten pound custom AR build you made. People can be lunatics while the grid is still up. When it's down it's only a matter or minutes or hours until someone *snaps* inciting chaos. Then what? Submit to the first thug who threatens you with a knife? I hope y'all practice your Verbal Judo regularly.

  6. Im not knocking the information. I mean, its always best to try to be prepared for anything and everything, as much as you can.
    But, what exactly are the qualifications to be an "expert" on a hypothetical event?

  7. This is really good advise. I’ll be flying back to the continent to a major airport 5 days after the election. I’ll be 399 miles from home. After watching this video, I am going to fill a pack with items I’ll need in case I actually have to hike back home, and will leave it in my car, because if we are in a SHTF situation & I can’t drive home, I’ll at least have what I’ll need for winter survival and a month-long hike home. Thanks for this info. Better to be prepared and not need it than to be left off-guard and unprepared.

  8. You were in the airport, why did you not grab snacks or anything useful on the way out before anyone realized it was major, you had cash that would be useless in a couple of hours, off the airport you could even get a knife and other things in that first critical minutes.

  9. Interesting using duct tape as a fire started, never would have thought of that. Also good to have around Incase you're stuck with someone that doesn't know when to stop talking you can take their mouth shut so you're not heard by an unsuspecting visitor!

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