Solo Survival: How to Survive Alone in the Wilderness for 1 week –Eastern Woodlands

In this video (part one and two) I go into the wilderness of North Eastern North America with only a knife and live off the land for a …


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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. its crazy cause i have a book by mors kochanski and read a few others for me its so damn hard to understand and implement especially with my bad memory no one ever talks about this and its incredibly irritating but this guy makes it a bit easier to understamd step by step i hope i can meet someone i can learn this from hand in hand would be a huge relief

  2. Well I'll say this. I'm in central Mississippi and I used to hunt every chance I got. I was raised hunting for squirrel, rabbit, deer, and turkey. I've seen stuff in the woods that should not have been here in the woods. One clear evening about 2 pm i walked up on what looked like a wolf. That was the biggest thing I had ever seen. It was about 4 feet tall from the ground to its back. That shook me up but either the next year or two after I was in the same place turkey hunting and it was about 5 am. I did my turkey call and something attack me, or tried to. It was very foggy and it was growling and running at me. When I could see it's head it was about 15 feet away. I shot it in the head and it cut a flip and landed on its feet and ran away from me still growling. That was the last time I went turkey hunting. Now I'm almost 65 and I don't hunt anymore. I'm too old to run and I can't climb a tree anymore. Hamburgers are too cheap

  3. I've lived in population-dense urban and suburban areas for most of my life, but unlike the kids I grew up with, I had exposure to rural life too. I got to spend all of my childhood summers with my dad up in the Adirondack Mountains. I got to do a lot of camping – not hardcore survival camping like this – but I learned the basics about foraging and fishing and starting fires. Back then, I probably would have been able to survive if I got lost in the wilderness …. at least if it happened during the warmer months. (If I got lost in the winter, or if a bear took a chunk out of my thigh. I would have been screwed.) The locals knew all about the plants and wildlife around them and they were very generous with their knowledge. Those mountain folks were some of the hardiest, most resourcful people I ever came across. I didn't have the stomach to accompany them on any hunts, but they had me catching and cleaning bass and perch like a pro. I haven't done any mountain living in decades. It would definitely take a little time to readjust to pulling out fish guts, but I would really like to get reacquainted with nature. There's a small patch of woods and a stream within walking distance of my house. If the zombie apocalypse wiped out the food supply, I might be able to find enough fiddleheads and frogs (as a last resort) to get by. I really don't think I could bring myself to kill Bambi or Thumper though.

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