DayZ Frostline survival guide that will show you the key strategies to stay warm, find food and water, and avoid sickness on …
Sakhal Survival Guide: How to Avoid Freezing, Starvation, and Sickness in DayZ Frostline

DayZ Frostline survival guide that will show you the key strategies to stay warm, find food and water, and avoid sickness on …
Sakhal Map Overview:
Heavy Metal Poisoning Guide:
Pneumonia Guide:
Do the water bottles in this map that spawn with frozen water in them need to be chelated or could they be boiled or chlorified?
I have constant hearing loss after curing heavy metal poisoning after eating 2 chelating pills. Any ideas how to fix that? Maybe it will go away after some time.
aggressively bad video
Hot tip – cars have neutral heat zones. If you are stuck in a snowstorm and no shelter but you see a useable car – sit in it. You will not lose temperature and you can sit out the storm!
You can apply fuel to torches, keeps them burning longer. Thank me later!
If you’re having trouble starting out, you can always try a community server where you start with warmer clothes. That’s how I started and it made me really like the map. Destination DayZ (for sakhal, I think they also have chernarus) on Xbox is a great starting server!!
I've died to starvation every time basically on Sakhal. Can't find food anywhere, I've only once found frozen peanuts which were unedible. I then got lucky and found a fishing rod but turns out you can't cook fish using a fire place so I also just slowly starved to death. Really struggling to understand how people do it with the total lack of food anywhere
Hate the fact that there are no fruit trees
Hated the same sh*t in Livonia
Does anyone know what the different words at the springs, say or mean?
5:50 That sped up footage of a man coughing then instantly dying had me in stitches
Just a thought.. Can placing food/drinks in or around the geothermal pools to thaw them and what would the risk/reward be from doing that?
The new map has so much loot, it feels easier than Chernarus to survive honestly
Islands are pointless unless making a base all islands have 0 to 5 crates on them the smaller ones have less no buildings or food I suggest not going very risky for little there's nothing out there but a few crates
Eat a tectra or a vitamin before eating snow eat 8 handfuls within 1 min sickness will disappear take pills before eating snow
Why does food defrost faster in your pockets then being put next to a blazing fire food defrosts faster in pocket lmao
What I the back story on the island? I grew up on the Great Lakes and ate tons of snow growing up. Is there heavy metal in the snow from the volcano or the thermal fields? Nevermind… both of those make enough sense for me to accept that as a simple enough explanation. No volcanoes or thermal vents near the Great Lakes. Lol.😂😂😂
So safe to cook with snow ?
Does the snow stay in the pot after cooking ?
Purification Tablets is useless in sakhal map then?
Something that bugged me is this new map doesn't have gas drops or helicopters or adas or humvees or santa crashes, I already added gas to my server so I have a lot of more work to do before I fix the rest
Already got 24 hours in frostline havnt died once get, drove around the island 1 full time also.
you left out the fact that you can take multivitamins to drink snow
Ur wrong on the tablets tho. I always just drink the snow water and pop 2 multi vitamines after that and i dont get sicker. U dont need the new pills when u avoid it at the start with multis
I stopped going in to houses for the heat buff couldn't catch a break definding against waves of freshies and geard try hards that get stun locked first punch. Instead i found a nice furn tree dropped my fire right next to the truck easy done, takes a little longer but its fine better then being jumped 😂 save your ass in a blizard aswell your welcome 😂
I didn't know there was 3 plus symbols by yhe temperature sign.
I thought it would make sense that there would be 3 but after 2 it was taking a very long time so I thought "huh maybe there is only 2".
I had a fire inside a building, but only minimal clothes.
You must need decent clothing and be next to a fire to get 3 huh.
Last night was my first time on sakahl.
Namalsk P R E M I U M
This map is easy. I'm still on my first life. Got a FAL, car and base on day 1. Now 3 cars and 11 barrels hidden. One slight cold and that's it. Had to kill two geared guys. If you play Namalsk hard-core, this is a walk in the park. PS don't forget mushrooms. Lots of them, they aren't frozen and you are safe to eat.
Wobo can you fix the new water bottle?
Improvised knives can also be made by combining two small stones together.
to the map, nobody wqants to swpan in the north thats why terer are so many dead freh spawns up there
Where are the gun cleaning kits? and how often is the scientist spawning?
You can cure heavy metal disease by eating 2 tetras 2x when pill symbol disappear , just did it and got cured
For those who don't want a 30 person queue and/or find vanilla Sakhal too easy
on official server I started puking and got an illness symbol after eating a baked fish and drinking a few times from the fresh water spring. I am now keeping all my vitals in the white but it seems that I can't get rid of the illness. Does anybody know what it is?
they ruined dayz
Sakhal from what i experienced last night is a Canibal map.