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Repeating Crossbow as an SHTF Weapon

CANADIAN PREPPERS SURVIVAL SUPERSTORE! Use discount code SURVIVALPREPPER for 10% off / Premium Survival/ …
Check out the latest version here (October 2023) its amazing
I can reload my 95 pound crossbow in 5.3 seconds
No. Get a 10-.22. Don’t buy this nonsense
i would just use a regular bow
Wouldnt a compound bow be more beneficial?
There are crossbows that have hand cranks on them. They are very easy to draw, and fairly quick. Then you got the hooks to pull the string back. Somebhave built in ones with pullies to make it easier. Your really better off getting a crossbow with cams over recurve. And theres s lot of great reverse draw options. For more speed and power, and a smaller package. Pse tac 15 has that hand crank, with AR lower, and the rails. Dont think they make it any more but you can find them pretty easy. Ten point is making some great cross bows and is dropping the fastest ever built this year. Theres more steel ball cross bows and compound bows with magazines coming out now. Anither year or two sny kinks going on should be ironed out.
If its shooting those bolts at 275, its a pretty weak crossbow.
This is the content i miss. Not every day is dooms day. Content creator sucked himself in.
gotta be strong enough my friend…i cannot even cock my cheap chinese toy crossbow 😮
Um, I'm lookin for uh. . . um, um. . .
The problem is crossbows suck. Crossbows will get you killed. I would rather have a handgun.
"Respectable" 270
"Reusable ammunition" -someone whon has NEVER used a bow
The only problem its complete trash.
Its not as powerful as usual modern crossbow, shot speed is lower, and ive heard its less precise, cant comment on that one.
Id prefer shoot from longer distance with more heavy bolts than with this fancy reloading system which isnt really change your realoading speed dramatically. I mean you still have one shot, then your prey is gone
Personally if I were to take it that far, I'd just build my own really nice, really strong sling-bow (or even a sling-crossbow). It doesn't have quite the same space requirements as a traditional (even compared to compound) bow and I can easily adjust the power of it with the number and strength of the bands I use. They're so handy that if I were a felon or lived in a really restrictive state/country, I wouldn't hesitate using one for home defense and if I were in a survival situation I know it can use it to harvest pretty much anything I want. I've been meaning to build one for a really long time now, I'm talking years, I've even went and bought all the metal and materials needed, it's just been laziness holding me back.
Crossbow with a magazine before gta6
Other women want purses. Me? I want this crossbow!!!!!
Bless the Creator, HAYA HAYA
If S really HTF it wouldnt be a big deal to throw together some scavenged items for a supressor and pull some powder from your rounds to make them subsonic. Get a crossbow because shooting one is fun. 👍
If the bolt hit a tree or bone then that arrow called the bolt can't be reused again, sorry
Chinese have this in the past
Hey! It's a reimagining of the Chinese repeating crossbow, finally after 2,000 years almost!
I have a repeating bow called the whipshot, love that thing.
Crossbows ain’t quiet
Bow and Arrows are for anti-gun sissy boys that are too small and weak to shoot a real hunting rifle.😂 enjoy your lame weapon while us real men are over here on the masculine side
solution: just use a non cross bow like a recurve bow
Just buy a recurve bow and learn how to use it. 3 years of training and you will be good. So many things could go wrong with a complex design like this one.
I’ll stick with my recurve
Great video. Perhaps a much larger repeating crossbow with draw assisted by compressed gas or silenced blank cartridge shell gas force? If the latter can cycle and start a aviation jet or radial engine then perhaps far smaller variants can assist a crossbow?
Crossbow having a magazine 💀
Let me show you its features ! -Jeorg sprave