Learn the Trick this Survivalist uses to stay warm! Winter Survival, Survival Hacks, Survival Tips

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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. Love these vids!The last time I watched this topic I could have sworn you sat on an animal pelt. Well afterwards I found a very old very dirty one on a porch on the side of the road. Any suggestions on how to clean it and not ruin it? Its covered in road grime probably coyote. Thank you!

  2. Would be interested to see the experiment showing what happens under the blanket to temps with no candle for 10min and then w the candle w 10min because its going to warm up anyway under that blanket

  3. What kept your feet warm? I watched that thermometer and it never moved like you stated. I am a former army guy, arctic survivalist trained and we NEVER used that "survivalist trick" or taught it. Get a new line of videos. Something you actually lived, junior.

  4. Great video, a clean burning candle only produces water & carbon dioxide, so with a wool blanket, it should be no issue with fumes.

    I've used half a dozen tealights in a billy can inside my cotton tent in the coldest conditions. Toasty !

  5. But when you want to warm yourself like in the video – always! dig the snow!! The ground is warmer than the snow, and the later is an insulator.

    As I see you don’t know a lot about keeping warm in cold periods. Do you live in California or…?

  6. I remember seeing a story where the Indians would actually use a large blanket like that, turn it triangular, setting down against a tree, tying it above their head to the tree. They would dig a Dakota fire pit about where their knees would be and gather wood. End of the blanket would be staked to the ground. Probably use something like a pine tree or a cedar tree that has those soft needles underneath. When you get the fire started, set with back again the tree and cover up. The smoke travels up the blanket and goes out the top. If you're under a cedar or a pine tree, the branches will filter the smoke and pretty much make it invisible. If you got a little bit of woodpile you can actually cook your food or smoke it.

  7. As a super senior, I would most likely be in my car and not out in the woods, but of course I have a wall blanket in the car and could wrap up and use the candle inside the vehicle. Thanks for this great demonstration.❤

  8. I remember reading somewhere that you should always keep several candles in the glove box of your car.

    The idea is, if you suddenly get caught in a blizzard and cannot move, do not use the cars heater to stay warm because you will quickly run out of fuel, and if the exhaust pipe gets clogged, you could die from carbon monoxide poisoning.

    instead, burn the candles. they will raise the temperature inside the car to approx. 50 to 60 degrees and maintain it above freezing. granted that is still pretty cold, but you will make it through the night with ought using any gas.

  9. Aware of this for 50 years now. Never had a need yet.
    About 1980 I observed a group of hitchhikers next to a freeway onramp in the rain. One of them was under a clear plastic sheet with a candle.

  10. A candle like that can really take the edge off of serious called in an Army tent…You know the old canvas ones called a shelter half? If you're given to luxury and easy, they used to make small candle lanterns you could hang off of para chord. Just say'n.

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