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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. i could never "hard use" a knife with paracord only for the handle. Handle AND paracord, ok. but if i'm doing everything with one knife its got to have a comfortable handle.

  2. Model 18 survival model Randall made knives. 7 1/2 inch stainless steel blade with a saw blade on the back. It has a compass and hollow handle to put fishing hooks matches whatever you want. Two would be a small rival tent. Also straw or water purification. You can strap it all on your knife and go.

  3. Great list. When i am teaching someone how to prep and what to prep with, at the VERY top of the list is water, water & more water.
    You can never have enough clean drinking water.
    Get your hands on as many large water storage containers as possible and fill them up.
    Buy a good way to filter water on the go or in camp if you have to leave your home where you store your main water supply. A good gravity water purifier and water purifier tablets are both must haves. Water purification straws are also a smart move.
    You can gather, hunt, fish, trap for food, hopefully with good results. Without water, you have 2-3 days depending on environment.
    Once dehydration starts to set in, you will slow down, develop a bad headache.. it sucks, i’ve been there. WATER WATER WATER.
    God bless. 🇺🇸🙏🏻

  4. Me personally number one a gun number two ammo it does not specify on how much and number three cordage very strong cordage and number four an actual tent and number five a backpack I can make a blade out of a rock through the process known as knapping and if I'm anywhere that used to have volcanic activity I can use obsidian as my blade not to mention I can make a primitive axe so on and so forth and since I were magnifying glasses I can use that as my fire starter also because two of my choices is a gun and ammo if I bag an animal I can literally make a very sharp blade out of the animals bones

  5. I hear of these eggheads that cut a clearing into the woods to make a shelter to show off their "badass" survival knife, their shelter is drafty AF, and they get covered in bugs and other forest floor spiders, they get no sleep and they're miserable but they leave the butchered site feeling like a 101 first airborne veteran.
    RIP trees. Don't be an egghead, you'll be thousands of times more comfortable in a shelter, and plot twist, the shelter doesn't make you a fag, just look at General Chuck Yeager. He'd spend months in the wilderness armed with only a swiss army executive and some good shelter in the form of a TENT

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