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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. Believe in Jesus Christ the son of God. Jesus Christ, God, in the flesh. People don't ignore your salvation. Say yes to Jesus Christ..This is not a religion, Is truth. God is merciful to them who repent. But he does not change his mind.

  2. If you’re prepared and your community isn’t, then you can’t rely on them. They will rely on YOU at your expense. They will try to steal your food, water, everything. Bartering is extremely risky when people are starving. Your absolute highest priority is making sure no one has the slightest hint that you have anything they need. Your community could be your biggest threat if they aren’t as prepared as you are.

  3. I live in a suburb of a major US city. I have 3+ months of woof and water. I have a few hundred rounds of ammo. What is the likelihood of being robbed. I do not post or tell others of this supply.

  4. Having grass should be taxed.

    Every home should have native fruits and vegetables.

    #1 Thing you can do to prep is to not have grass.

    It's ideal if EVERYONE has fruits and veggies so your home doesn't stand out.

  5. North Carolina/Helene: watched a YouTube guy go out to buy gas and he found it at a significant distance. Waited in line, cash only, $25 was the maximum that could be purchased. He pumped about 8 gallons of gas.

  6. The WORST scenario would be a solar flare. The earth's electrical grid would be wiped out as it was in 1869 with the Carrington effect. Of course, back then we only had the electric telegraph system, which was entirely wiped out. Today, a solar flare, if large enough, would affect the entire planet earth. Only the well-prepared and strongest of people would survive beyond a month. Very scary.

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