If multiple catastrophes happened at once in the U.S. and no help was coming, would you know what to do? We’ll look at what you …
How to Survive the First 90 Days After the Collapse

If multiple catastrophes happened at once in the U.S. and no help was coming, would you know what to do? We’ll look at what you …
Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: https://bit.ly/3xWhVwZ … start your preparedness journey today: https://bit.ly/3xZhWlY
It may be worse to live than die after a collapse.
Food, water, ammunition, and patience.
I feel bad for the neurodivergent people who can only eat chicken nuggets.
I live in a republican area. I should be safe lol
Believe in Jesus Christ the son of God. Jesus Christ, God, in the flesh. People don't ignore your salvation. Say yes to Jesus Christ..This is not a religion, Is truth. God is merciful to them who repent. But he does not change his mind.
Well if you lived in the country it's always good that you could always bury some food out in the desert at a remote area where you'll know where it's buried at that's always good for backup as well
Just look at western North Carolina
gets caught stealing survival gear "I was just prepping. I'm saving the money, and getting ahead of the wave when society collapses!"
Bush couldmt b disturbed on his vacation so yheidiot flew over New Orleans
Learn water cashing, regrow, bushcraft, camouflage, wild foraging! Hunter and fishing skills, 1800's living again!!!
I lived through the 1989 earthquake
If youβre prepared and your community isnβt, then you canβt rely on them. They will rely on YOU at your expense. They will try to steal your food, water, everything. Bartering is extremely risky when people are starving. Your absolute highest priority is making sure no one has the slightest hint that you have anything they need. Your community could be your biggest threat if they arenβt as prepared as you are.
How is that going to work when FEMA
can sieze everything and anything
without compensation?
Listen to videos this will more likelyy happened
I suguest those that are ilegal imagrant to go back home while you can.before empty shelves .fiid shirtages and piwer grid hies down fir 90 days.your lfe mught depend on it.
I live in a suburb of a major US city. I have 3+ months of woof and water. I have a few hundred rounds of ammo. What is the likelihood of being robbed. I do not post or tell others of this supply.
Having grass should be taxed.
Every home should have native fruits and vegetables.
#1 Thing you can do to prep is to not have grass.
It's ideal if EVERYONE has fruits and veggies so your home doesn't stand out.
ππππ bruhhhhh if you don't have a bunch of π«π«π« π¦π¦π¦ and food don't even bother trying..
So that'll mean no more law protecting citizens right and no more justice for them right nice
After 3 months, prepare a very extravagant butter chicken east Indian fiasco to attract as many people and wildlife as possible.
Watching this in 2024 because wtf is happening π¬
Itz happening
North Carolina/Helene: watched a YouTube guy go out to buy gas and he found it at a significant distance. Waited in line, cash only, $25 was the maximum that could be purchased. He pumped about 8 gallons of gas.
Stock pile food
The WORST scenario would be a solar flare. The earth's electrical grid would be wiped out as it was in 1869 with the Carrington effect. Of course, back then we only had the electric telegraph system, which was entirely wiped out. Today, a solar flare, if large enough, would affect the entire planet earth. Only the well-prepared and strongest of people would survive beyond a month. Very scary.
Me watching this in October 2024..
I enjoy watching these types of survival videos for some reason…
Tons of great information
If you choose to stay I beg of you to REPENT. Ask God to forgive you of your sins and mean it.
Acts 2:38 God bless you all.
whatβs crazy is everyone could just work together to get their community together using the old ways
This is crazy this is happening now.