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How To Survive The Apocalypse – Scientific Survival Tips

WATCH Crazy Ways People Are Prepping: Subscribe! Fore more survival tips …
this is so iffy, and leaves out and includes the wrong things
How to survive the biblical apocalypse
Believe in and follow Jesus.
0:38 its better to melt the snow or ice. Eating it will lower your core body temperature.
Others say if you're stranded at sea and have access to fresh water, drink it immediately and stay hydrated, then you have the Bear Gryll's through it and drink your urine. Makes sense with drinking as much water as possible, the clearer the urine. Weird comment, but practical since you guys looked this up as well.
Me: goes onto the website for the doomsday clock today
Also me: sees that is is 90 seconds to midnight OH F- bleep
Eating ice is probably a bad idea because you lose body heat, due to your body having to expend energy to melt it
Don’t eat the snow melt it to make it into water that’s the worse idea
What if it was a mutant apocalypse when all the animals mutated into monsters
Ah yes me saving this in playlist if nuclear war happen. I have a high changes of living.
The world is kinda turning into a shit-show now, so I started doomsday prepping. This is very helpful, I’ll let you know if I’m alive in a few years 😀
do not collect cactus juice for water, that is a hollywood myth that will give you kidney failure
The main question is why do you have to survive if you're the only human existing? like what's the point?
The chance of the world ending with a bang is something like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% and if it ends with a bang we ALL die, there is no surviving bangs, whatever meteors or nuclear the life on the planet will die then start over..
The chance the world ends with a whimper is 99.99999…9% Let say the world slowly and painfully ends in us destroying it with pollution, that won't kill civilization, it's just going to take more effort to put food on the table. It will kill people slowly over time, but it will ALWAYS be better to be in a group than alone, so civilization will continue.
There is no scenario where making a secret bunker and hording stuff will result in you being better off than a group that will just steal all your stuff. The ONLY way for human life to survive better than others is in large enough groups, there is no Mad Max scenario where the small group beats the large one, movies with bad guys ALWAYS make the bad guy stupid to give the "hero" a chance, in the real world heros dies.
I think youtube knows something that i don"t
I can’t even cook with a stove
In Utah it wouldn't be safe to eat rabbits or hares, as they have a disease thats hard to cook out. You have to over cook your meat and attract point itd probably be to tough to be edible. So when eating an animal you have to be careful as it may have rabies or something else that is transferable, redering your survival efforts useless. You can have a fire in your hut as long as you are able to create a vent or port for the smoke to exit. Mud,thatch,clay would make a decent chimney.
i have a pet rabbit….
Conclusion: go full unga bunga mode…
watching this now cause of the war lol
You know why im here
How about uv lights?
Eating snow is a great way to die of hypothermia.
Yes but in the Apocalypse the water turns to blood, the sun goes dark, and scorpion locust monsters attack humans.
DO NOT CONSUME CACTI UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT KIND IT IS. Many contain things that can make you hallucinate or far worse and put yourself in dangerous situations, but many will also have the milder but arguably more dangerous effects of making you vomit or have diarheea, which will dehydrate you even worse. Never consume any plant (or animal for that matter) unless you KNOW what it is and know it is safe. Flat leaf cacti – often known as nopales – and their pears are safe, and some species of barrel cacti are safe, but there are many many MANY others you should NEVER try to get juice from and trying to may very well kill you much faster and more painfully than dehydration.
What I'm scared of is if I'm on vacation out of my state or even worst out of the country surrounded by people I don't understand
Squirrel in dutch is eekhoorn lmao
I'm ready to go pro cannibal
Taking note 👩🏽💻
Video: We'll tell you what you need.
All I heard: … Tinder …
Pebble Drink: Slow
Meal Worms
Other insects
Vitamin C!!!
Spruce Needles (boil)
Rabbit Eat (sad)
Seek out Fat
Boil Acorns and leave dry to make pancakes or smth
See weed Nutritious and Abundant
Rocks (hit together heat)
Iron Pyrite
Magnifying Glass (Sun)
Shallow Cave
Make shelter (diagonal roof for no rain)
Winter no warm dress, boots, wool socks
Pockets!! No skinny jeans