SageSmokeSurvival My Bushcraft Knife: Instagram: …
How to build a camp fire #survival #bushcraft #camping #campfire #survivalskills

SageSmokeSurvival My Bushcraft Knife: Instagram: …
I can just imagine a novice missing with that axe and hitting a femoral artery
why dont these videos show how to start a fire under adverse wet, snowy windy conditions. as it really is in the wilderness. your giving people false hope thinking it is so easy to start a fire in the woods. You could endanger lives that way with mis-information
Boy Scouts had that figured out, along time ago ….
Take a hatchet.
Not a gangly pos.
Oh ,oh , your new pants getting dirty…
where is this wood from???
Ah , where u buy your MAMA!!!
Tp Philadelphia LoL Lords Of Light
just get u some sap wood All that shat is needless with it,
But ya the log cabin is one way there is also the teepee
Hell just get urself or make a portable rocket stove
Use another piece of wood to hammer down the ax initially to avoid the ax slipping into your other hand from above!
Axe follow through getting pretty close to the groin and some major leg arteries. A good fire is essential to keep you warm while you bleed out in the woods alone.
Or just bring lighter fluid
When you have a fire and somebody just throws the biggest wettest log they can find right on top. Fire smothered. Night ruined. Friendship ended.
It's called a box fire
That's the way I've been doing it for over 50 years
now show us with a bow drill
Yeah, real easy if you are working with SOFTWOOD species. They are just like Balsawood so even a girl could chop it up and start a fire. Try doing that with Australian hardwood varieties, then you will need real bushcraft and fire starting skills.
the jenga fire method is much better than the overrated teepee method
Or, hear me out, bring a lighter 😅
In the time it took you to build that fire i got frost bite
come again and not with dry wood from home and the Swiss type of fire building you just did not do properly
Ain’t nobody got time for that
Lot's of leaves, twigs, and small pieces of wood around you? No problem! Just follow these twelve easy steps!
Note to literally everyone that uses an axe or hatchet, DO NOT start cutting your kindling by holding it then starting your split. Yes I am aware nearly everyone does this. But have you seen what happens then that multiple pound razor blade slips into your hand? Lay the log down flat on your chopping block and strike the center it will split the same with 0 risk of telling a funny story about how you lost a finger.
Man that sure is some nice firewood. Good luck finding stuff that dry and easy to split out in the bush.
I really don't understand all the work people put into starting a fire? I live in humid, wet, Florida and I've never failed to get a fire started. BUT I just gather wood of varying size. If you're surviving or even just camping why would you want to spend an hour or two splitting big pieces of wood to make small pieces of wood? Just snap off twigs and start a damn fire?
Or you can find dry grass, twigs, larger sticks and then small wood. Betcha that's quicker than all that jacking around.
Don’t get frustrated if you can’t build a fire as quickly as this dude because he can’t either. 😂
Wowsie wow!!
Or u can collect twigs & sticks like every1 els
I dont hear people talk about fire safety. Make sure you are is clearnfrom leafs 🍃 and dry woods dig a small pit keep fire contained.???
By the looks of the cuts on his hands he is still learning himself?
Ilike the cheerleader hatchet.
Upside down fire is the best fire method. Prove me wrong.
Learned as a kid to gather all my fire building material before I even thought about starting a fire. I learned to gather plenty of all sizes around me so when I start I don't have to chase for more because it's about to go out and I don't have more to add before it goes out. Biggest lesson was NOT TO MAKE SOME KIND OF BIG TEEPEE and then try to get it lit, trying to stick your hand inside to light the smaller wood. That's for TV. I see lots of people do that all the time and get frustrated when their fire goes out. Learned that the hard way too when I was a kid, tearing it all apart and starting over 2 or three or 4 times. Where I'm from, I go with thin birch bark, then small dead balsam twigs, then balsam branches, then the bigger stuff. I break it up into, from shorter lengths for the twigs, to a little longer for the branches, then 2" and bigger and don't rush it by heaping it up before I know I have small coals going good that aren't going to fizzle out.
Gather small stuff work to bigger stuff. No need to cut anything.
Ako ne duva vetar…
Are twigs not a thing?
Awesome video
Is that pine?
0:11 perfect way to cut your hand. Numb hands, twisted wood, this is the way…
Take 3 hour to cut wood or carry 8 oz of gas and water proof matches 🤯 skater not harder
Pine wood if you wanna know. It’s cheap and perfect for a quick fire. Burns fast tho
If tj miller wasn’t an asshole