Advanced Navigation & Compass Tips from a Survival Instructor

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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. Just subscribed. I really like your videos. I'm an EX-Airborne paratrooper 11B rifleman. I always take my Govt Issue Tritium Land Navigation Military compass with a map of my hiking area.

  2. A commenter pointed out that its not like riding a bike, which is very true. I picked up my Brunton a few months ago and was having some difficulty. There is definitely some muscle memory associated with it. Getting that confidence in your readings back during a bad situation would only compound the sudden problem at hand – no pun intended.

    Everybody, do yourself and your loved ones a favor, practice practice practice!

  3. Also make sure to keep the compass away from any electronics which themselves can contain magnets. I carry my camera on one of my shoulder straps and if my compass (same one in this video) is within a foot of the camera the needle is deflected

  4. I used to carry a compass and map as a backup to my GPS. However, lately I am finding that orienteering is fun. I even made my own Ranger Beads to measure distance traveled. Now, I carry a GPS as backup to my compass and map.

  5. I'm really struggling to find high detail topo maps. I'm looking for 1:10000 UTM for hiking, hunting, and land nav practice. REI, Sportsman's Wharehouse, USGS, don't sell them anymore. Please help.

  6. Thanks for the navigation videos. I purchased a compass last summer, watched some confusing videos, then left it sitting in my office where it was doing amazing work… Now, I have a better understanding and will be keeping it with me and practicing more. I still need to learn to use it with a map if you have done that video. Thanks again.

  7. Thank you for your honesty. So many today misrepresent themselves on social media. They often show themselves doing workouts that they don't do themselves to achieve their results. It makes you think if I do this I will achieve similar results. The problem is you will spend your time and energy meanwhile the person is doing a completely different workout for themselves. Very deceiving even if not intentionally.

  8. Sir, the way you break down information and your instructional ability is fantastic and very clear in your presentation. I am sure your instruction has kept many campers highly motivated but short on experience alive. I thank you.

    Here's a little conundrum of my experience that that my dad walked me through but I've simply forgot most of it. My father was a marine and he took me out one day I was pretty young about 9 years old. He took a stick and drew a circle around it. When the shadow pointed up, he identified it as the 12 o'clock mark. (remember, it was 5 decades ago, I am hoping you make sense of my shaky memories). From the 12 'high noon' position he designated it as 12 o'clock, I guess his anchor point.. As I watched the shadow change, it corresponded with the hour marks on the circle of a 12 hour long as we had daylight. He would look at the position of a shadow to the stick, No number marks, and tell the time within 20 or thirty minutes of my watch, (or better), using only the sun and a stick; maybe two, sticks I don't remember. He would draw a circle and seeing it's shadow tell the time.

    But ALSO, it told what is North… I became an off trail camper and learned some basic orientation markers, such as the direction rivers flow in whatever area, and maybe a 'Landmark'., a distant mountain range or..? In my uneducated somewhat superficial way, I knew if I needed to find a location in the wood I had general idea of North, East, South ,West and if lost, I had a general idea what direction certain rivers flowed; some north, others whatever; so I never got too lost. because knowing what is North, to find East I merely faced North and made a sharp right turn.
    I also believe we have a type of ' Spiritual' or Intuitive senses we can develop to bring us home. It also helps to know what direction a rivers flow in one's chosen area.. Please comment, as my memory is fragmented and hopefully you can make sense of my ramblings. Thanking you in advance..:

  9. I have been through a Search and Rescue academy as well as watching dozens of uTube videos. This is some of best basic advice I have ever seen. Remember advanced training is just perfecting the bacics.

  10. Are you all aware that…
    1) The North and South magnetic poles are moving and nothing like has happened in written history? However, geological history shows many past magnetic pole reversals, so it is not too unusual. We are just lucky to be alive while it is happening this time.
    The North magnetic pole is now crossing the Arctic Ocean headed for Siberia, and if its direction remains unchanged, then it is ultimately headed for the Indian Ocean. The South magnetic pole has left the continent of Antarctica, and it is headed toward the Indian Ocean. Yes, the poles are converging. The expectation is that additional poles will "pop up" in other areas of our planet, and possibly even multiple additional poles, until the magnetic reorganization stabilizes.
    We have been told such a magnetic pole reorganization (usually referred to as a "pole flip" or "pole reversal") would take thousands of years, but they were wrong. Recent geologic evidence has shown past pole reversals happened in as little as 88 years, though usually it did take longer.
    2) The magnetic field strength of planet Earth is weakening, and that is speeding up. The SWARM mission is three satellites in formation measuring our planetary magnetic field as they circle the Earth. In 2010 it was reported the field was weakening and the poles were moving. Since they are scheduled to report their findings every five years, in 2015 the SWARM project lead announced the magnetic field, which has been weakening at a rate of 5% per century since we began monitoring it, is now dropping by 5% per decade. It also is speeding up. He quietly lost his job. There was no report in 2020. Our planetary magnetic field is already down by 25% to 30%, and dropping (the last we heard) at 5% every 10 years. You do the math.
    This reorganization and weakening will impact compass action, and a number of airports have needed to repaint their runway headings. Declination will need to be checked and adjusted more often, too.
    There are other things it will impact as well. A weakening magnetic field means a weakening magnetosphere, our planetary magnetic shield. That means more radiation from the sun, especially harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation will be getting through. It also means more cosmic radiation getting through, rather than being conducted around to the poles. While it is well known that UV radiation has a serious effect on our skin, causing sunburn and skin cancer, it is NOT as well known that cosmic ray fluctuations impact coronary health. Thus, higher cosmic ray intensity means an increase in the number of heart attacks. This has been known for at least 10 years, but no one tells the public, and it may not even be in medical textbooks yet. Let's just say that the interaction and effects of Earth's magnetic field, the Sun's magnetic field, and the interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF) are all going to have increasing influence as our local magnetic shield weakens. So at least take care in direct sunlight in the coming years. And remember to recheck you declination numbers periodically.

  11. Excellent advice, such as I've heard many times on your channel. To add emphasis to your training, I cite my Brunton Pocket Transit. The manual has detailed instructions on holding consistently when not using the tripod mount. The instrument has a leveling bubble built-in. That is how important consistency is for readings. The more accuracy you want, the more deliberate your process.

  12. How do you evaluate a good compass. My (Ex) partner purchased more than one compass over the years and they went camping a lot. I have no idea how but the few compasses they had fell apart and such. They typically just purchased them from the Hardware stores and at least one from the "Sporting Goods" department at Walmart.

    Is there a way to know if you are getting a rugged and worthy compass and not some junk that will be broken after a few years?

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