EXTREME survival tips and tricks 🚐 πŸ’¨ 🐻

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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. The storytelling is wonderful. I would suggest tho, either not to use the fake AI bokeh from your phone, or use a digital camera with a bigger sensor. Sometimes parts that shouldn't get blurry look blurry. The takes you create would benefit a lot from a more natural and cinematic look. Great work!

  2. I always imagine, just out of frame, a similar sized back-up vehicle, fully equipped and carrying a complete range of spares/ body panels. Do you have β€˜work’s support’?

  3. I too deliver out here in Buffalo. Your survival tips and tricks have saved me multiple times already and have helped me successfully delivered nearly 40,000 packages already. Now, to endure through Winter..

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