How Do You Survive and thrive past your first day? Previous Video: Follow my …
Tips: How to Start A Minecraft Survival World That Lasts

How Do You Survive and thrive past your first day? Previous Video: Follow my …
Why does bread suck??? 📎📎📎
I like how the two hanging signs at the end had no video suggestions and were blank
Love your videos XD are you still doing world tours? I've got I'd love to get your opinion on
What's your trick for the cinematography? It looks great
The first thing I do when I start a new world is find a village. You usually will have food. Sometimes you get lucky and find armor,tool, weapons and or iron or diamonds. Also you don't have to worry about building shelter, or s bed. A lot of times I will go village hopping just to find loot. I usually turn a village into at least an iron farm, if not a food, kelp and/or lave and gold farm as well.
If anyone is still intrested in a quaint small cove with a small island to make clearing out in the beginning clearer i have a seed for you: 3466 7302 4015 2230 34(having placeholder spaces can help when putting in the seed) and the cords of -230~ (above ground) -1270~
Idd also recomend collecting some materials like sugarcane, a few killed cows and a bed, with some wood precollected
(you spawn in a loose jungle close to a village if needed)
This video is great not only for new players, but for people that haven't played the game in a hot minute and need a bit of a refresh.
I feel like a lot of the reason why people get so bored in Minecraft is because they immediately try to reach the end game and get the best gear as fast as possible. But I think some of the best memories are created when you take your time and allow yourself to have fun with it.
Sure, it’s way more efficient to build and create projects when you have great gear – but it actually brings the challenge back to Minecraft and makes it a lot more fun and drawn out when you just go with the flow instead of trying to speed run the game
I get long term worlds are your thing but the title really doesn't match the video with this one Toycat, these just feel like early game minecraft tips, not tips to start a world that lasts.
Needed this video! Been getting stuck lately, always love your content!!!
You confused Looting III for Fortune III 🤷
Its fortune not looting
4:16 That Spin was needed and amazing!
Great vid but like, slow down a bit.
I'm teaching my friend tips and tricks and this video is going to help him alot
toycat, i've got a question about the minecraft experience cape – you said a while back that you bought a ticket for the dallas texas Minecraft experience show just to check if you could get the cape. I checked your name MC profile and it says you have the cape in your inventory, does this mean you got the cape just through buying a ticket or did you have to end up going to dallas? thanks!
I really like this world and this video's presentation. I think this is the best blend yet of being informative and entertaining, and the gameplay perfectly compliments the information presented. Additionally, this guide presented a lot of things I haven't considered much before, and I'll be thinking about them in my long-term world. Thanks for making these videos, and I hope this ultimate guide series continues to do well as time progresses!
P.S. Looting doesn't work on pickaxes
Great vid! I always love when you post a new video! I also really liked the 3rd person Minecraft view you used in the video! Keep up the great work!
Actual Minecraft Survival Progression:
Step 1) Punch trees
Step 2) Craft
Step 3) Mine
Step 4) Get blown up by a Creeper, rage quit, and delete your world
Step 5) Repeat steps 1-3 until you survive long enough to get Prot IV Netherite Armor and Totems of Undying to become invincible
Step 6) Collect enough resources to build a Redstone Computer capable of playing Minecraft within Minecraft
Step 7) Go to step 1…
For finding lots of biomes to expand the blocks I use to build, I have found it very difficult to actually find a variety of biomes simply because there are thousands of blocks of a singular(often cold) biome that makes it difficult finding other biomes let alone finding biomes of warmer temps… I have also noticed while loading random seeds on Chunk Base that warm biomes, particularly desert and swamp biomes are less common. Do you think oversized biomes especially in the nether are, or should be, discussed as a bug?
Bro just pulled me out of the BO6 Zombies Aether to remind me I have a long-term survival world.
(I need to feed my dog)
Hi can anyone give me his old Minecraft account. just want to play it
2 million subs this weekend? 👀
Is this video made using the new camera commands thing?
I want to play on a normal smp but I have no friends on java
Continue this.
Auto farms, auto farms, auto farms also build a iron farm above your trading hall, pure synergy
Toycat is yes.
Throw away any world with a snowy spawn
A funny fact, if you throw diamonds to a zombie it will count towards the diamonds to you achievement
Reminder to make an EXP Farm to skip dumb Enchantment RNG.
This is just the vid I needed to see, especially because I'm starting a survival world with my friends tmrw (and I rlly need good tips!!!)
It feels like i always spawn in a dark forest
If you were lucky enough to get Minecraft console before 2019 then i suggest making a new world in the old edition then converting it to a realm and downloading it on another platform for the older terrain generation. Some people may think the new terrain is too flat and large like me
1000 views in an hour bro fell off
5:08 No! The Deep Dark is GREAT for early game. You can raid it just fine with only iron gear. Just use patience, it takes 10 minutes for the alarm level to decrease by 1 stage. And if you do summon the warden, here’s a super secret technique: You can actually sprint and sneak at the SAME TIME! Just start sprinting, then start sneaking, and it works! Also, jump first so that you don’t trigger it when you first start sprinting
When’s ToyCat doing his next realm review?
I recently started a couple Survival worlds, getting back into the game a few weeks ago. For pretty much all of them started off with me being homeless and having my work station blocks and chests on the ground while I'm busy making a base next to them lmao
0:39 Nah, mountain mining is a FANTASTIC early game decision. You can get so much iron super quickly with very little danger. As long as you got a bed to skip the night.
This video feels like it’s got a filter on what
Toycat, breathe!! Hope this video does desert well!💛
i love that desaturated look how did you make it
27 minutes!
New players take notes
@ToyCat Bedrock officially Becoming Java Edition of its Old Texture to Javas, Same Game Music very Calming, Same Boats Recipe Etc! 👀💜 Because The Devs at Mojang officially Turned Bedrock Textures into Javas Cuz of the 1.14 Java Texture Snapshot! (Btw I’m NOT a Bot, i Just Know Bedrock & Java Are Becoming Reverse Now Cuz The Devs are Sharing Each Edition Features)
Last week u lost my 61 days old Hardcore world on bedrock, I was retreating from Hostile Mobs until a drowned randomly Impailed me from a river. ðŸ˜