Here are 20 stealth camping tips that just might help you out when trying to not get busted camping in the wild! From useful …
20 Stealth Camping Tips & Skills

Here are 20 stealth camping tips that just might help you out when trying to not get busted camping in the wild! From useful …
Watch the new “Extreme Stealth Camping Tips” Video:
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your campfire is very stealthy`
thank you, after watching this video, i think i can survive alone in Ukraine.
in what way could stealth camping be useful to me? What is the use of stealth camping. Which audience is this video directed to?
Is this for military purposes?
I will say this… During my time in the Marines… We built a fire for bivouac purposes ZERO times… We NEVER used natural "white" light such as flashlights but use a Red lense on our lights (Red is the lowest frequency on the light spectrum)…
If you have to make a fire in your shelter… You can use Hand Sanitizer to produce a smokeless much safer flame but will have to have a decent amount of it for fuel….
As far as the Chem lights go(the sticks), if you have access to IR optics, you can get invisible light Chem sticks to denote to friendlies who also have it where your patrol base is… Also have a form of "Challenge and pass" like a phrase or light signal sequence to identify silently
Oh and Camo net is your best friend
This was actually a very nice video I came across thank you.
what if a black bear arrives in the night? I wouldnt do this on the east coast.
great channel! Thanks for keeping it about what it is about and what it is not about!!!
i am NOT going to use this info to camp in someone's property
Can someone tell me the name of the green and brown bag he is using?
You're kill'n me.
Snoring gives me away 😢
Have you ever tried camping in the desert? Cactus, hard rocky earth.
The other that you did I will give a thumbs up The Dakota fire pit however I will give it thumbs down to Don't ask why it's that I've seen a lot of game wardens out there spot these and the whole point of stealth camping in the first place is to hide from people that would have include game wardens game wardens are professional manhunters
I get why people want to go bivouacking, but civpop going tactical is a bit cringe lol
I think the fire hole is a good idea if the fires are banned or such
Yeah but what about when it rains and you have to pack up a wet bivi?
Red for night vision was certainly practiced in the Royal Navy submarine service. The scientists now tell us 'low level white lighting' is beter for night vision.
To which the submariners reply, "No kidding, well I never… pass me the red phase tape, there's a good chap."😊
Or do what you do and own the woods you camp in.
If you need stealth and need to pack up and move on quickly , you are trespassing and shouldn't be camping there. knobber.