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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. Glad we climbed the food chain to regress 1000 years. Youll need this for whenever america falls apart and theres no plastic or metal left on earth. As if a nuke hit tomorrow and took out all the hand tools lol. No matter what, theyll always be a shitty garage full of rusted shit

  2. To everyone confused to the context and supposed "plot holes" ill try to address it
    1. "Why he have bear fat?"
    I think the intent of the video is to show how people in a stone age (neolithic) time crafted their tools. People commonly hunted bear for the fatty meat and used bear fat to oil bows, hair, wood handles, etc. so bear oil was surprisingly common in ancient times. Was a common trade item as well so i think the idea is this is how someone in a village w access to resources like bear oil and previously made tools would make a new axe.
    2. "Why he already have an axe/blade?"
    He was using either a handaxe, or a celt (type of stone axe) intended to be hafted but serving a dual purpose as a hand axe, a common tool to be had in those times. If u didnt have one im sure u could borrow or make a new one. Also its not obsidian, its likely a chert or flint. (Stop playing minecraft so much go oustide). In the context of them in the village w access to stuff this makes sense also, and the way he was splitting it (slowly one tap at a time) was no danger to his femoral artery.
    3. " Where the rawhide come fwom??"
    See question #1 about bear

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