Best Survival Bushcraft Tips & Tricks You Must Know

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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. 1,15 и ты совсем идиот. Просмотри другие видео, как разжэч огонь, но на данном этапе ты себя делаешь , долбаком

  2. Mr. Kirill Multitool, what u just just posted is one of the most insanely, idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point, in your rushed & incoherent video did u come close to anything that can be considered a rational thought. Everyone who's seen this post is now, in fact, dumber having watched this video. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul!

  3. Ты зачем туалетную бумагу спалил? Че, в лесу дрова кончились? Идиот!!!!А задницу будешь лопухом подтирать?!!!

  4. Развлечь девушку, да, прикольно. Но тащить с собой в лес топор, ломик, пилу, сто метров верёвки разной, и сверло конечно, куда ж без него в лесу, стеклянные кружки и бутылки, это конечно круто.

  5. You've got so much equipment where the mule that carries everything… making a swing is not survival but playing, wasting of time and energy… especially when trying to survive…..
    First tip of the two bottle tops is great, but a small plastic pill bottle works just as well. No risk of the join leaking. Just add some strips of polystyrene for fire lighters and a few fairy candles for fire starters or nite light…
    You seem to have an awful lot of rope or string available…
    You should have your lariat on your knife long before going outdoors, not as a survival tip…. building shelters and fire places with torches with a tin on a stick handle or splitting a sticks end with a pine cone as fuel I think is extremely important and would keep wild animals at bay, especially at night..
    The nail polish over the match heads us excelent or dipping them in liquid wax…
    Using two matches side by side, especially in windy, wet or cold conditions, improves lighting fires more successfully… Then cleaning your ear with the match head, the ear wax, gives matches a much longer burning life.
    I have a Ranbow knife with the hollow handle compartment which is ideal for emergency items such as fish line hooks… and needles.. fishline and needles can be used to stitch wounds as well or clothing…
    Having a mirror or tin as a reflector to signal with is extremely important especially if injured and not moble.
    The reflector can be placed behind the light, candle or fire giving a brighter light.
    A referee's whistle around all members or participants necks on a string to blow if lost… a whisle is heard much further than any shouting.. you dont get so tired or frustrated

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