7 Survival Tips For Building Fire In A Wilderness Survival Situation

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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. This was Gold. Leaned what I need to know. Question, if only have materials to make fire drill, have a vid of that? Ask b/c saw a SF guy have only fire drill and had no fire for days, nearly died.

  2. See that vine to the right of the lesser cedar?….that's clematis…the dead vines are a great resource for makin hearth boards for the hand drill…the bark from the vine makes an expedient and decent cordage material…these vines are commonly found in abundance along water courses climbing high into cottonwoods and cedar trees…you give some good tips amigo…woods

  3. JJ, nice video. I really like the brace idea. I have a question. Approximately at the 3 minute mark when your standing by the red cedar tree grabbing bark fiber. There is a thick, fuzzy looking vine/root growing up the tree. That looked a lot like poison ivy. I hope I'm wrong and if I'm right, I hope you didn't make contact.


  4. great vid bro always brace it up dad called it a riser but same thing and a bed to keep it off any ground when warm weather ground moisture will kill it fast not that we don't know that but its worth going over again atb ….tom

  5. Excellent! Subbed and liked. 62 yo AF brat, have 2 sons in, and I spent 2 years in SWA (Iraq, Kuwait) 2006-07 after training Ft Bragg, Redstone Arsenal and Ft Benning. LOVED IT ALL. God bless our soldiers and vets!

  6. thank you I learned a lot, a video on natural tender sources and tips to finding them would be great, I am new to this stuff and find that finding tender that will take a spark in the wild is the hardest part of fire for me, I grew up in the woods but always had a reliable source of fire on me

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