50 Survival Tips – Food | Fire | Shelter | Water – Wilderness knowledge you should know

This wilderness survival video will give you plenty of tips for how to survive and become comfortable in nature. Learn about …


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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. I’ve worn high prescription eye glasses since kindergarten. I’ve been able to start fires with the glasses with just 30 minutes or less to start a fire everyone get prescription glasses or magnified glass for survival

  2. Just goes to show that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but that a little ignorance goes a long way to giving people a false sense of achievement and security. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that pine needle tea is rich in vitamin C. Hot water as cool as 49 degrees Celsius destroys vitamin C, so boiled or boiling water (at over twice that temperature) won’t give you any vitamin C whatsoever. It’s a myth presented by ignorant lazy people and grasped by the next generation of ignorant lazy people and so on. And as for lying on a thin layer of evergreen boughs, that is laughable. Even several inches of the stuff will compress to nothing when you lie on them. You’re far better off using your energy to build a raised bed and get out of the cold zone. Otherwise the good ground will suck the heat right out of your body!!

  3. I am searching for survival tips, but every survival youtuber has tools with them.
    How do you survive with no tools, full naked.
    I don't know if our ancestors had random lighters and pots in the woods 😂😂

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