5 Survival Tips With Bear Grylls | Hostile Planet

If you ever find yourself in a dangerous environment, one of these survival tips may just save your life! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE …


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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. Why is this a hostial world? Because we are our worst emeny? We are born fead bathed protected taught until we know everything except how to survive in a hostial world. The child at disney land who got taken by a aligator by the edge of the water was not protected because it could have been his dad that was taken. The gang shooting each other school work store shooting give no protection. You dont need protecton from anything because aligators gangs dont need to be on earth. What should we still have dinosoars because their a protected species? Remove the dangers from the earth the worst of all is not the man. True he is harmful to himself but not to anyone else. Wait man goes to war and kills. Not man people who are sub human ignorant greedy bastards not a man. A man is responsible loveing mindfull true faithful honest kind to a falult. Those things roaming the earth with there laws religion putting others down to raise themselves up gossip greedy worthless bastard bullys are not men but cowards who pray on the weak. Since time begin there are those things roaming the world in seach of things that belonged to others and declared to have found them so they now rule. The true men of our ancestors are ashamed because they fought for centurys for the land that was barren when they arived and their children went and plundered others. Greed makes fools of us all. You cant take care of yourself how do expect to take care of more. There are no more men on earth kt is a shitty place to be.

  2. Dude… I know it sounds dumb but, I live in Denmark. We do not have outdoor survival options.. talk about hostile environment, a road is not a place for a camp, or a fire. 🙄

    Odd thought.

    Much love, let's hope nature does survive mankind.

  3. Your "hack" with the socks over the boots, as you did on an ice field in Patagonia, once really safed our lives ^^
    (In an Bavarian city when there was a traffic chaos due to black ice <3 )

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