25 Survival Tips Everyone Should Know | FOOD | FIRE | SHELTER | WATER | Bushcraft Hacks

These survival tips could save your life. Watch the video to learn how to build shelters, find food & water, and create fire in …


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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. I am a new subscriber, so I've decided to watch your latest video. I love survivalist content! I hope to be out somewhere trying these techniques for myself! Until then, I appreciate all the education I can get! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey BUSHCRAFT TOOLS, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really helpful and well-made.

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  3. Great tips, that ash/cottonwool fire always amazes me when I see it…. Hmmm, a catch, forage N cook would be great, especially if the means of catching it is made or foraged. 👍🏻👍🏻

  4. You can eat dandelion
    You can start a fire with a nine volt battery and a metal dish scrubbie.
    That fungus is also known as “horses hoof”
    And carry a tactical pen with you, it isn’t considered a weapon, but it can be used for self defence.

  5. to use non toxic plant or trees to help cook food with can you use maple and can you use some oak because some oaks some oaks you're edible the acorns are edible you just have to boil them and then dry them and grind them up and boil them again and leach out all the tannins Maple is good because most maples are sweet anyway if your dog can chew on it you can chew on it and it won't kill you You just have to rinse it off after you peel the bark off for whatever you're gonna use it for Best may bowler is Sugar Maple Cause that you can eat because it's good it's used for making maple syrup. you tap the tree trunks in the spring and you get this up to come out and collect a boil it down and concentrate it. but most maples are on the sweet side when you taste the cambium layer that's the layer right under the bark above the wood that's alive and flowing and has the xylam in it which is like veins and arteries to us their little highways that transport fluids and liquids up to the tree tops and the all the leaves from the roots It brings photosynthetic food down to the roots from the leaves so there's always something flowing in both directions some blow up a tree some flow down the tree.

  6. dustin what if you're in a Norway cruise in the end of an Norwegian island somewhere and you don't know the land and there are no coconuts and all there is a sewer water? Then what do you do And she's just Norway it's cold 1 and you can't build a solar still because it's dark most of the year anyway except for summer time and you decided to take that trip in the winter time you wanted to see glaciers and fiors in their natural state. how do you get water then?

  7. I know how to survive from an apocalypse in the city one you want to take over a pet store because they have lots of food in there you can even eat the fish food if you have to two to purify any water there's lots of activated carbon carbon to make a simple gravity fed water filter plus there's filter floss sponges and other stuff to help purify it of any crap that might be in there the only thing you wouldn't filter out is bacterial vectors and then that you had it once it's clean you'd have to boil it. no you don't want to eat the pets because some of the pets have been medicated and some of those medications are toxin to humans. If you work it right and you can keep the fish tanks alive in the fishing them alive if you cap them off you get free methane we can use to cook with. fish poop and animal poop makes great methane

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