I go over my Top 15 Foods/ Items that every prepper should stockpile and have on Hand. The Most Bang for you Buck Emergency …
15 Survival Foods Every Prepper Should Stockpile – Most Bang for your Buck

I go over my Top 15 Foods/ Items that every prepper should stockpile and have on Hand. The Most Bang for you Buck Emergency …
What Survival Food Do You feel Are a Staple for your Prepper Pantry?!
The funny thing about preppers "for the apocalypse " is that they show their stock pile! They are so very proud of it. Everyone sees it, they know that exists, and if things get bad, they will get it. LOL!
Other than a breakfast shake looks good ๐๐ซก๐ฏ๐บ๐ฒ
Good one! Thanks man!๐
Thank you
Some great tips in this here comment section. Please be aware that showing compassion, patience, respect, love, light are so important if the bad decisions of the greedy, wicked Global Elite bastards rains down on our heads. Remember, that it is those less than human fecal matter stains, their political puppets, and their weaponized media that have all played a huge role in these crimes. Horrific crimes against the American people. WE THE PEOPLE! They are trafficking children, sex slaves, millions of pounds or illegal drugs, and allowing millions into out country and giving them immediate rights and cash money for buisness. America is dying!
Donโt forget magnesium or other laxative/stool softener due to ANY sudden diet change
How do you make any of this shelf stable for 20+ years?
It's not going to matter if you have beans, rice, water, guns etc is going to protect us from what is about to be unleashed upon the Earth. This is spiritual battle and the only way we can prepare is spiritually, seeking the direction of the most high. People don't seem to understand what's about to happen but it's all because of sin and disobedience to God. Repent and be obedient to Yahuah, his cup of wrath is full and we are about to go through some terrible things.
Why is she wearing a gas mask?
Another good and cheap item to store is bollionn cubes or powder. It makes broth, seasons food and even gravy.
You seem to have quite a few items from Walmart. I only shop there for oil changes, Grocery Outlet WOW deals are a much better buy when one is stocking up, as are the bulk bins at Winco, or bulk dry food items from Amazon. I love Aldi, but there isn't one where I live. One can buy freeze dried cans on sale over time to save. I prefer to be mindfully prepared than make bartering necessary. The process of bartering doesn't sound that safe especially for older folk, even more so, if it involves meeting strangers. Better to be a 'grey man' and keep to oneself. Quinoa has far more nutrients than rice. Don't over look the benefits of lentils, barley, and wheat berries, which are a lot easier to store than flour if one has a grain mill. Champion Juicers have an attachment that can be bought for them, and there are also manual grain mills. I found a new one at a Thrift Store for $4.00 RRP around $20.00. While in food stashing mode , I often bought fruits and veggies from 'REDUCED' bins, used some the same day, and dehydrated the rest for future use, using a dehydrator bought for $10.00 at Thrift Stores. Don't forget to provide for pets. Besides having the means to collect, store and purify water, having a board selection of foods gathering items necessary for everyday living is also a good idea, things like bicycle repair kits so that one always has alternative transportation. An electric bike or tricycle is also a good investment, especially if one is older and challenged by steep hills, they are a lot of fun and great exercise.
I think people over look walnuts and flaxseeds. High in Omega 3
Freezer? Microwave? ๐ what kind of SHTF are you planning.๐๐ฎ๐
Beware of plastic rice. There is a lot of it out there.
Breaks my heart that we actually have to talk about the end of the world. But as a christian, I know, it's going to pay out. Evil will soon have its turn with the wrath of GOD!
Thank you so much I love your videos very informative !! โคโคโคโค GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
Whatโs up with the gas mask in Costco?
love that "your food choices could be a little boring" LMFAO… ok, then if eating bores you then DON'T EAT-. Be grateful you have food! Now stuff your mouth, and shut up-
Braggโs apple cider vinegar has water in it. It is no longer pure so look for an alternative that does not have water.
First Aid supplies. I saved lots of wound care products from when my mom was on hospice…primarily the items that were unopened. Saline will flush out any wounds if you get cut, bandages, Gauze can be used to pack a wound and keep it dry, medical tape. When my doctor offers prescriptions that might be useful in an emergency, I take them even if I don't need them.
I don't see pop tarts ๐ค
Rice does not save electronics, if you want to have a shot at saving anything from water damage you need 91% + isopropyl alcohol. You need to disassemble the device as fast and as much as possible and dunk it in a bath of that iso. This will cause the water to evaporate of the components
Can you do a video on prepping for a diabetic..
What about powdered eggs
Aluminum foil heated is a terrible health hazard/Alzheimers, for one!
Gator Aid? Look at the ingredients, it's not the original.
There are natural pain relievers & antibiotics in capsule form & make your own "miracle in a jar" Colloidal Silver~Antibiotic, Antifungal, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial ….. which can be used externally & internally including as an eye wash! It can purify filtered water & sanitize surfaces. Hospitals use it in their burn units.
Only natural pest controls!
Gather books & write things down as you learn, & practice them!
Sprouts, practice growing them & building your immunity, now.
Wean off ALL addictions!
Meat & dairy are addictive, which are huge contributors to Cancer & obesity!
Caffeine is an addiction of pleasure but plays havoc with our system!
'Man'-u-fractured drugs, especially ongoing prescriptions must be replaced with a natural alternative.
Soon they'll start removing meds & raising the already outrageous prices just as they are doing with meat & dairy!
You must have info on Vegetables! How to grow& protect them, organically & what proteins, vitamins & minerals are in each, including how much.
I'm 76 with no health issues. Vegetarian for most of my life & Vegan for about 10 years, sooooo dont believe the lies that you'll be deficient.
We were actually created to eat only fruit & some do, very successfully, I've chosen Vegan, for now & eat a lotta fruit, too.
Beans can also be planted… bonus.
wow! thank you for all the good tips! Heading to Costco this week
Whatโs with the hand ?
Lentils cook faster so less fuel consumtion.
If you have a wide mouth thermos jar, you can add hot water to most dried foods a "cook" by letting them sit.
๐ฎ…au etats unis , c est plein de trucs qu on a pas ici …๐ฎ…๐
Le premier trip , c est d aller faire l epicerie ….๐
Peanut butter?!
Ghee brilliant idea! Would add salt, pepper, and spices will help improve the taste of various basic dishes. Would also add dried fruit and nuts.
the powder milk and protein. is it safe to use if itโs expired?
I went through a lot of the comments and didn't see anyone mention peanut butter. There are over 6700 comments though, so someone probably mentioned it.
Then a hurricane comes in and whips out all your supplies! ๐ฎ