15 Items Every Prepper Should Hoard

New To Prepping? Check out Prepping 101 – Beginner Prepper’s Guide. Watch It Here – https://youtu.be/zdU-aS2TUtE In today’s …


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About the Author: modernwarrior


  1. I lean towards battery/rechargeable/solar flashlights and away from candles flammable lanterns . Not saying never use candles but in a grid down situation is not a good time to have a house fire. Yes, stock candles/lanterns if you are stocking for a multi-month or permanent plus grid down situation. But if you are preparing for normal emergencies – hurricane, tornado, flood, snowstorm — that typically last less than a week and occasionally go as long as 3 weeks better to stick as few flames as possible so you don't compound your problems with an uncontrolled fire. Keep in mind my preps don't included seeds. I am prepping for the worst case being Hurricane Helene not Mad Max.

  2. a big part of nuclear survival is retaining knowledge. when one goes through a mass killing like the fallout of a nuclear explosion, having a chemist to create hydrogen, you have infinite fuel. having someone create water would be beneficial. maybe even a tech guy who can build somethings even as simple as leds. just keep this in mind.

  3. Ill stop right now and say when it comes to fire get a torch and stock up on fuel. Yea i can start a fire with a bow n drill … but in a survival situation make it easy on yourselves. A torch can start a fire and easier than anything you can buy in 2024

  4. Don't forget the Preparation H. No one brings it up. I really don't know where this stupid definition of hoarding came from. It is quite new. Hoarding is when one stock piles a thing to the detriment of others. True hoarding is illegal. It is not this nor the psychological problem some others have, creating a dump where they live. Toilet paper, feminine napkins and disposable diapers are hardly survival items. They are simply conveniences we would rather not do without.

  5. I see people mentioning spices to stop rice etc being boring and tasteless. I would like to add beef or veg stock cubes which are so handy. The dry ones can be crushed and sprinkled over meat too. Dried noodles and packet soups can be stored for ages too.

  6. Yeh… about those seeds… I started “gardening” in the last few years – the quotation marks are because whatever I’m doing after 3 years still barely qualifies! Definitely not as simple as chucking seeds in the ground. Worth learning about “farming your soil” in advance.

  7. Now , in 2024 , the importance of such stuff is undeniable. The Chinese pandemic and Russian assault against its brotherly Slavic Orthodox neighbor proved it. Millions of Ukrainians, who are alive and not in emigration , have such survival kits.

  8. If you have a battery power station, portable solar panels and a pellet grill, stock up on pellets for the grill. An electric pellet grill only takes 300-500 watts for a short time to ingnite and then minimal watts while cooking, and they can get very hot.

  9. Great video. Could you please do a video on common household items that have use in a survival situation? For example, petroleum jelly as a fire starter. Most of us have tone of things at home that can be useful in a pinch. Thank you 😊

  10. Preppers you cant hide!!!!🚨

    Revelation 6:12-17
    Sixth Seal:
    12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb (Jesus)! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

    Preppers including all the powerful people there is no where to hide from Gods judgement🚨

    People repent of your sins🙏🙏🙏 Your sins have separated you from the holy living God. He offers reconcillation thru His Son Jesus Christ. He is a JUST God and judgement is coming!! Read bibke its all there!!

    Want to know what is coming? Read bible!!!

    Books of Revelation, Daniel, Matthew 24….to name a few
    Google these books for free

    Jesus Christ is Lord✝️

  11. You will never need all that, what you need is happiness and composure in a given situation. Why spend money on things if you can never use them. We cannot predict natural disasters or war, they come and go, leaving behind victims and wounds that are difficult to heal.

  12. Former Montana wilderness guide here, well done. I'd just add… Bear spray (for attacker / invasion protection), wool blanket and oversized wool pull-over with hoodie. Wool is the ONLY fabric that will keep the body warm even if wet. I subscribed.

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