Here are 10 wilderness survival, bushcraft and camping tips in 10 minutes! Using tools such as bushcraft knife, paracord, and a …
10 Wilderness Survival, Bushcraft & Camping Tips in 10 Minutes

Here are 10 wilderness survival, bushcraft and camping tips in 10 minutes! Using tools such as bushcraft knife, paracord, and a …
how do i know if an area like this has wildlife like bears and snakes or not? Thanks
Your top priority is your tent or sleeping area.
You should secure that first by….
Your tarp setup should be on higher surrounding ground..
Your entrance uphill to avoid rain water running through your tent area.
You dont have a small shovel to dig a runoff trench around your tarp area. The excess soil can be thrown onto the bottom of the tarp for weatherproofing.
You collect a bag of rocks but dont use them.
The rocks make an excelent fire pit area avoind forest fires.
The axe should have pre survival precautions of a hole through the axe head and handle to avoid dislodging when being used.
Secondly take a plastic bottle and cut of the top and bottom, slide it over the axe handle and head the plastic to shrink fit, the handle for protecting the axe shaft…
The shacings a good idea but prepare more than enough…
Have a piece of 1/2 inch copper pipe about 9 to 12" long, fluted at one end makes an excellent blower to start or keep a fire going.
A lot of "WELL DUH! Why didn't I think of that?" tips. Awesome job, thank you.
When I get depressed, I always go for a bushcraft camping night in the woods. And your videos help me so much. God bless you!
Come across this online. Start throwing the food there. If you set bird feeders around your yard you're going to have a bunch of birds when you start feeding them bigger aminals are the same make a habit. (Location) If you want to go hunting that separate the areas Don't kill them in the beating area
I’m going on my first big camping trip next year, and these tips are so valuable and I’m so gratified I found this channel!
Nutmeg half a teaspoon for depression.
If you have a hessian sack run a little bathroom silicone along the seams to strengthen and support the sewing. Because of its open weave hessian's stitching can fray out very easily. Also, oversee and then smear the silicone on. Silicone is very useful to waterproof small wear points and repairs.
When you were putting that pot on the fire i could SEE your lizard brain trying to make you grab the burning sticks
where is this forest located?
7:13 You fookin bullies!!!😂
Um, according the the youtube time, it is actually 10:54☝️🤓.
Great video! thank you! 🤘🤘🤘
Indonesian sub please 🙏🙏🙏
this trick with battery and foil is good im now used this and my finger is hot
Nice! Quick, thorough, and well explained information delivered to our door with the fat trimmed off. Perfectly to the point and perfectly demonstrated visually. Condenced information refined and defined.
I've never thought about using a sharpener
Is it alright to burn the twine string? Do you know if it burns slower than a cotton wick in a candle wax?
I am surprised that you didn't mention the need for packaging of any pot or grill that has been over an open fire. They get covered in soot! A really filthy addition to your pack in the morning.
I think this is the first time I've seen the pencil sharpener. Excellent!
And for the love of God, never drink in the woods. Around a backyard bonfire, sure, but it’s sad how many people I’ve come across that like to get loaded way out in the wild. They leave garbage. Nothing but problems. Stay sharp and alert and connect with the land, even lose yourself at large in it. You’ll survive longer.
Love the content and you never know when you need to use these skills. Thanks for sharing your knowledge
Subscribed. Good ideas that I haven’t seen elsewhere. Smart sensible stuff
Loving these 10 in 10 deliveries marra 👍
Hessian sacks also a pillow substitute, prefilter for water and a strip cut off can make a bandage to secure a gauze.
Do you teach, willing to pay a fee for your time
Stop staging and be real with the time element
I love how all these bushcraft youtubers always are in forests with perfectly straight stick everywhere
you helped me thanks a lot
I usually carry burlap sac with me…they are very useful wrapped around your shoes to go through slippery terrain, namely rocky river crossings…the grip improves significantly!
Wiping feces without water ?
I'm pretty wood wise, but ya got me with the pencil sharpener. Brilliant!
Anyone know what pack this is?
I haven't read all the comments so this may be a repeat. The sack that you used looked like what we call where I come from a burlap bag. My grandfather used to use them instead of a basket or stringer to keep his catch alive in the water. (Fish)
When i was a wee lad, we weren't allowed knives when shipped off to outdoor education. I brought a pencil sharpener and a philips head screw driver. Needless to say, I felt like one bad boy whittling away during quiet hour.
OHHH the pencil sharpener thing was awesome!
Man..I have seen so many "survival/camping tips" videos with similar titles like yours..but yours is the best by far and saying far I mean exoplanetary far!!You obviously have the experience and deliver exactly what you say in the title..amazing video and great tips..excellent my friend..well done..I will definitely be your follower..all the best!!!
A lot of "WELL DUH! Why didn't I think of that?" tips. Awesome job, thank you.
Ya I’ll pass on carrying around some rock tho
Very good ideas
I came for the t and a but stayed for the outdoors
the pencil sharpener finally got its big twist lol
Thank for the video. It was very enjoyable. Seeing you pull your sled with your hands holding a rope make me think a wide strap (sold in the hunting / sports area) around your waist would be easier on your arms and hands.
A soft shelter under a tree is a terrible idea. Falling branches are deadly.
The first tip about the Plow Point shelter is pure, simple genius…Keep up the great work.