Gear Used in This Video : ✓ Multitool: ✓ Full-Tang Knife 1: ✓ Full-Tang Knife 2: …
Gear Used in This Video : ✓ Multitool: ✓ Full-Tang Knife 1: ✓ Full-Tang Knife 2: …
Gear Used in This Video :
✅ Multitool:
✅ Full-Tang Knife 1:
✅ Full-Tang Knife 2:
✅ Wood Carving Knife:
✅ Tactical Boots:
✅ Tactical Gloves:
✅ Leather Gloves:
✅ Poncho Tarp:
✅ Patriot Jacket:
✅ Watch:
✅ Flashlight:
✅ Folding Saw:
✅ Pocket Chain Saw:
✅ Stainless Steel Bottle:
✅ Stainless Steel Cup:
✅ Titanium Skillet:
Pencil sharpener is genius.
Very cool vid…👍
Doğaya zarar vermekten başka işin yok. 😡😡😡
Судя по количеству мусора, эта "дикая природа" находится где-то в городской лесопарковой зоне.
Amazing ❤❤❤
Words would be quite helpful!
Fallout 4 vibes
Yeah i mean like thats cool and all but like…why am i gonna spend all day making a frame to carry a lil bit of wood when i can juss empty my backpack,make a backpack…or just…not cut down firewood a mile from the campsite 😂
Больше похоже на выживание в парке, возле дома
The cave was gorgeous !
Увы медной проволоки в лесу фиг найдешь…
А так интересно было посмотреть😁
Great video – my favorite was making cordage out of plastic bottles – but that dead lighter trick at the end was really good
я без точилки для карандашей вообще в лес не когда не выхожу.
What was the purpose of adding pine needles to the boiling water? Or the cut in the tree to get water or sap? Just flavor or something else for later?
Po no nesecita este cosas para sobrevivir no se cómo no se llevo la ferretería de su pueblo 😂
Right, and how many times are going to wire in the woods?
😂😂😂😂😂 У меня на даче меньше инструментов, чем у этого выживальщика.
It helps me a lot when I'm in the forest. It makes me not have many difficulties at work.
Man, you has got a lot of died or fall threes for cut. Why you are cutting alive threes (? 0 eco sustainbility.
What you should teach is the knots and then what you can do with that, I really only learned a few knots like 8 or 10 it's enough for the military, the pencil sharpener and bottle neck tip is good, but it's dependent on finding bottles cause I Shure as hell wouldn't cut my water supply into strips, the hobo stove is cool but just bring a liquid stove or gas cooker with you, they are 5- whatever you want bucks and I have a few I use none above 20€ they are light and small exactly what you want, a alcohol stove burns silent and clean, water collection from trees very useful skill, doesn't work on every tree and can taste like the tree, cover the hole afterwards with sap as he did, bark is a universal tool, fire to certain tools super useful as well, don't use it to eat tho, if a animal peed on it that sucks or if other stuff from animals got onto that, you looking at parasite infections from fleeces and stuff, what you collect if you plan on using it anywhere near food should at least be hip high better at chest hight tho, especially berries and stuff, always clean it well, if you 80 miles off trail going your own path and get ill, you fucked.
В лесу ,очень полезно тягать с собой дрова!
0:18 "digging out" the pre buried red and black cable, 0:21 skinning a clean grey cable 😂 1:40 hope I didn´t forget my RedBull or at least someone was in this deserted forest and left a coke can 😂 Just use your key ring and learn how to loop rope. So basically this entire video seems to be fake "bushcraft" got it.
Only using half the width of my screen – not watching. This is not Instagram.
So a good bushcrafter carries: a piece of copper wire of the right diameter (bigger ones don't work, smaller ones will burn through), a brand new and unused pencil sharpener (old and dull ones don't work), a spool of hemp rope, a spool of paracord, a can of Fanta, electrician's duct tape, tin snips, a steel pin, an awl(! ), steel stove rods, a bottle of alcohol, (the sizzling flame on the dry pine needles was very creepy). It's a lot about attitude. As Bear Grills said, if you have a knife, it's basically camping.
At 5:27 I finally realised I needed to go to bed.
Mais qui part en brousse avec des canettes de coca et des piles? Maintenant tout se recharge…Le mieux,toujours avour une pierre à feu.Et qui trouve du fil electrique enterré juste là oû il installe son campement?
так вот откуда медные провода берутся, они в лесу растут ))))
I’m sure glad that I’ll just happen to find an old buried wire when I’m out in numb fuck nowhere
You literally have wire strippers on your multi tool!
Les premiers hommes n'avaient pas de briquet ni de fils électriques dans la nature mais ils partaient du même principe que dans les vidéos, récupérer ce qu'ils trouvent.
Aujourd'hui, les gens prennent notre mère nature pour une poubelle, autant en profiter car la survie, c'est etre opportuniste.
On pourrait appeler ça du neo-bushcraft.
D'ailleurs petit tips, en frottant son couteau sur le briquet et prélèvent les résidu de plastique peut servir pour démarrer un feu .
Bonne continuation.
As a seasoned outdoorsman, all I can say is I don't want this uploader near me in the bush! When you have to rely on found bits of wire, bottles, cans etc., to help you, you are a lost cause and have no hope of survival.
The only times one would be utterly unprepared are in emergency situations, such as "natural disasters" or perhaps a vehicle breakdown on an abandoned route with sporadic traffic.
If on foot, you won't have much with you to be of any help. If in a vehicle, it can act as shelter and will probably have a battery and fuel to help start a fire and various tools that may be of value in other respects. A folding stove and fuel tablets along with a cigarette lighter or matches take up very little space. If push comes to shove, you should at least know how to make and implement a Rudiger roll.
Buy a hand crank torch (flashlight) and keep it in the car. LED lights and solar battery chargers will ensure illumination at night.
Learn how to use a car windshield sunshade to make a solar cooker. Another type can be made from a cardboard box and aluminium foil (if you have them). It's known as the BYU Solar Funnel. These will probably be of little value in the deep woods, but we who live on the savannas can definitely benefit from using them.
If you are going to be so unprepared that you have to resort to using the methods in this video, please stay at home.
Ага , все в лес ходят с кусачками , с изолентой и с жидкостью для розжига. А ещё с фонариком . Чувак пошел в лес , набрал кучу всего , кроме спичек.
Отличный трюк. Кусачки с собой есть, медный провод многожильный есть, фонарик с батарейкой есть, а зажигалки нет. Автор реально дебил?
That dude in the first clip has Superman's lungs! Damn!
I'm fascinated and ignorant. I don't get Some.
Если вы заблудились в лесу и хотите выжить, то для начала вы должны найти в этом самом диком лесу: батарейку, проволоку (желательно побольше), свечку, бутылки (стеклянные, пластиковые и тд., так же постарайтесь найти сухое горючие, ну а точилку для карандаша конечно можно найти в любом лесу, их там очень много валяется, буквально на каждом шагу. Непонятно для кого это видео снято. Видимо для дебилов.
В итоге, самое главное, что тебе нужно в диком лесу – это хороший нож, телефон и интернет
Слушай, 😂 это вообще бред. 7:29
Ну раз нашёл точилку в лесу, тогда бы и отвёртку намутил бы. 4:32
Using only a tampon, car Jack and a rock, I was able to insert a sanitary device while squatting over a meandering brook.